FAQ - Frequently asked questions

3D printing online calculator

Do you have any questions about the online calculator? We have collected the answers to the most frequently asked questions for you:

Since there are costs for processing an order regardless of the component, we have a fixed minimum order value of € 50.

Our calulator currently supports the following file formats:

  • .3dxml
  • .3mf
  • .sat, .sab, .asat, .asab
  • .model, .exp, .session
  • .CATPart, .CATProduct
  • .dxf, .dwg
  • .igs, .iges
  • .ipt (V6 – V2020)
  • .iam (V11 – V2020)
  • .jt
  • .prt
  • .obj
  • .x_t, .xmt_txt, .x_b, .xmt_bin, .p_t, .xmp_txt
  • .prt, .asm
  • .3dm
  • .par, .asm, .psm
  • .sldprt, .sldasm
  • .stp, .step
  • .stl
  • .vda
  • .3ds
  • .xcgm
  • .wrl
  • .ctm
  • .drc
  • .ply
  • .zip
    To upload a CAD file in an instant quote, you can either click “upload” or drag a file into the button. If your format is not supported, you can also contact us using the manual request.

The component is likely to exceed the maximum allowable component size for the selected technology. Please make a manual request to clarify the requirements and find a solution.

Prices are calculated according to a fixed algorithm that includes different component and manufacturing aspects depending on the technology. You can find more information on this topic here.

Depending on the technology and the desired component properties, there are various ways of influencing the component price. You can find more information on this topic in the articles on pricing or nesting.

In order to be able to offer our customers the best possible service, the stored algorithms of the calculator are continuously optimized. This can lead to a change in the component price.

This means that the instant offer function is not activated for the technology or we do not offer the technology. Please create a manual request to discuss the requirements.

Unfortunately, not all inquiries are suitable for an instant quote. This can be due to an excessive number of components, an order volume that is too high or something similar. Please contact us using the manual request for more information.

Please contact us using the manual request if the automatically calculated offer price does not meet your expectations.

As a private customer, you can only pay with PayPal. Please note that companies with a registered VAT ID no. also have the option of ordering on account.

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Call us or send us an email: